Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 12

Friday 27 November, 2009. (Everybody's tired and grumpy)

5.00pm. Decided to take the kids for a walk down the waterfront. The kick is they are on their bikes so we are not stopping every 20 paces and I have to hurry to catch up with them or at least keep them in my sight. Still did a bit of stopping and had a big rest in the middle when they were at the park.

Very windy down the waterfront but very cool considering hot day. So spoilt living so close to the bay.

Day 11

Thursday 26 November, 2009. (Trying to stay awake for the "Rush" series final. Damn lost that fight)

Well did not exercise today. Uh oh you think. Well I actually went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary with a friend of mine and our children. We did so much walking all day and the kids had a wonderful time. We saw most of it and a lot of it we walked until the kids just wanted to be on the train ride all the time. We had to be there by 8am. so had to wake kids and get organised super early. I wasn't the fatest but glad that I started walking so used to it for this and not holding everybody up.

Day 10

Wednesday 24 November, 2009. (Bloody exhausted)

Did not go for walk today. Been up since 4.30 am. Had to do husbands ears (drops into sore ears) as he was leaving at 4.30am. Had meeting tonight that starts at 7pm. Hoping husband would get home in time but did not get home till 8.30pm because of the Pearl Jam concert.

Have to pack for tomorrow anyway and then get to bed early.

Confession time: Slept really well considering no walk today.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 9

Tuesday 24 November, 2009. (still tired and hating exercise)

7.55pm. Start on punisher but it squeaks to loudly for husband to hear TV so after 3 minutes of "Is it bothering you", "No honey keep going", while he keeps putting the sound up and can't hear any of the movie "Harry Potter" I announce "I'll go for a walk". So down to the waterfront I go and then realise that the final "Packed to the Rafters" is on at 8.30pm. So walk a lot faster. Come home and shower and husbands movie is nearly finished. Missed first 20 minutes of show.

What do you mean a double episode of "Private Practice", I can't stay awake will 11.30pm. Manage to stay up till 11pm.

Husband stayed home recuperating from Christmas Tree job and enjoyed the sleep in. I took kids to pool because not exhausted enough and to give husband more sleep time. God I'm a saint.

Confession time: still felt a bit down at being the fatest as the pool today but spent the whole time playing with the children and bonding more than just watching from sidelines like most mums there.

Day 8

Monday 23 November (123.1 kgs)

7.50pm The punisher. What can I say? I loath exercising on the damn thing sweating up a storm, not being able to hear a damn thing on the TV over my heavy breathing and the squeaking of my shoes and the punisher which has a weight limit of 120 kgs.

The poor machine has been used a handful of times in the past 2 years and has to put up with more weight than it supposed to. Had today by myself and managed to shave legs yippee!!! Husband gone to Christmas Tree again in scorching heat and starting to look a bit frazzled. 56 hrs in 4 days so far.

Confession time: The last 2 minutes of my half hour exercise was pretty pathetic and stopping constantly to check on my watch.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 7

Sunday 22nd November (still morbidly obese and self absorbed)

8.47pm Yes very late, took a while to settle daughter tonight and got home late to start with from the Grandparents house. Husband is still putting up the christmas tree in town and not seeing much of him yet. Did 25 minutes on the punisher (trainer) and 5 mins in yard walking one way and waddling fast (my attempt to jog) back the other way. It was cooler outside and enjoyed it more. Kids were definately out by then. Finished at 9.20pm, showered and fell asleep on lounge, woke up and put myself in bed. Need more sleep and this heatwave is killing me.


Day 6

Don't judge it's a day of rest so go away and rest. Watched Harry Potter's latest movie on DVD.....good.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 5

Friday 20th November, 2009. Still morbidly obese.

8.17pm. Right, kids fed and in bed, husband at work puting up huge Christmas tree in city. The punisher and I have a date. I'm a little sun burnt on back and arms and chest top, and we are in the middle of a heat wave and I'm exhausted from swimming this morning and exercising in the pool, but rather surprising I found the half hour exercising not so bad. That's right not so bad. It's a lot easier on feet and I recovered much faster than the last four days and I even went the extra 5 mins. plus going faster a couple of times.

It was hard swimming today. There was a playgroup and a whole lot of yummy mummies there and I was the fattest. Still I noticed that I really played with my two children throughout the 90 minutes we were there while they mainly stayed on the layabouts talking. Won't be long until I will no longer be the fattest anywhere.

Confession 3: I had lost 33 Kilos before. I lost my first husband to a car accident and found myself a widow at 29 years, no kids, fat and moving in with my mother until the courts had settled. So I joined a gym and got myself a personal trainer. It was great!! I would go to this mangy gym where only tough guys and went at night just before closing time. You see not only was I fat but I have terrible psoriasis on my legs. (Psoriasis is a skin condition that is not contagious) So I was always the fattest but I worked my butt off and in the end the guys all accepted me and greeted me because I was trying. Then another fatty joined the gym and I was the happiest of all. I was no longer the fattest in the club. See that is how us fatties think.

Note to self: Must shave legs more regularly especially before swimming. Christ I will almost need a chainsaw for this weeks job.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 4

Thursday 19th November. Not telling weight today aarrrhh!!!!

4.45pm. Aha you say earlier than normal. Well that's because husband has put spanner in works of walking plan. He is working very late for the next 3 nights putting up the Christmas Tree in town square. The big one for whole city and it takes over 3 days to put it up. Talk about Christmas spirit. It's a bit ironic that my husband puts the tree up and down for the past 2 years as he hates Christmas (has to spend money in crowded shopping centre) and hates even more Christmas lights. I think it's karma because he doesn't do any Christmas shopping at all. I even buy my own present, wrap it and make him give it to me with him complaining about the cost of wrapping paper. If you haven't guessed by now he is a grumbly bum. Apparently men get grumpier as they get older, I can't wait..........

So this means I will have to use the punisher!!!!! Will let you know how I go. If you don't hear from me that means I took a heart attack.

Confession 2: I own a punisher and don't use it. One mother's day in May a couple of years back I saw this exercise machine a walker but the legs peddle around, (will take photo one day) on special at Target and told husband that I needed to lose weight (sound familiar) and would need to buy this machine. Well I got it and husband put it together. I couldn't wait to get on the beautiful thing. 2 minutes later clutching chest and gasping for air decided this machine was just too damn hard for fatties like me and I needed to get fit walking before I could use it. I did use it a bit and got to 15 minutes but kids told me to quit it because they couldn't hear the TV over my breathing.

7.51pm Kids are in bed threatened if they come out no swimming tomorrow and now I'm on the punisher and trying to watch "Glee" at the same time. Bit hard to get the whole concept while gasping for breath. Have to open the windows next to me and actually break a sweat on back of neck. 25 mins later get off machine and wobble in lounge room till found my footing. Husband just pulls up so quickly jump in the shower. He takes one look at me and quite astoundingly asks "Did you go for a walk". I said "Of course". He looks angry "Did you leave the kids here alone?". "Well I drugged them so they would not wake up", I replied and then I could not hold it in any longer and started to laugh. I told him the truth. "Not funny, Karen and you should only start with 10 minutes on that thing you could have had a heart attack your face is so red" says my husband with such concern in his face. (in my dreams) Well after getting dressed and sitting down I agree with my beloved that maybe I should have started with only 10 mins. Will sleep really well I imagine.

Day 3

Wednesday 18th November. (122.7 kgs) (starting to feel pain in muscles)

6.30pm. Oh my God I still have muscles left and they are starting to hurt. Can't believe that I have managed to lose weight so fast but have not been snacking to much as the walk is a waste if I do. It's funny that when you start exercising you don't want to eat as much. Husband came home early today so got to laze around with him while the kids were napping. He admitted that he was surprised and proud that I walked in that storm last night. Well respect is a good start. Damn it I'm proud of myself. Go girl. Feet not so bad tonight.

Confession 1: My name is Karen and I'm a chocoholic. No really. I used to spend over $40.00 a week on chocolate alone. I could not get enough and I'm not talking bars either I'm talking full big family blocks per meal time for my 4th meal after dinner every night. When I got up one day and ate full block for breakfast I realised I had a problem. So I gave it up for 2 years. Now it would have helped if I drinked, smoked or at least drank coffee but no I don't have those other vices. (Actually all of them are my husbands vices and I have to take the higher road and not go there just for brownie points) So I ate marshmallows, only Allens and a lot of them. If you put them in the freezer they last longer in your mouth. Try it you love them. Then I went to white chocolate. Now none of these felt like chocolate on our tongue but they gave me the sugar high I was desperate for when I ate the chocolate. Still working on sugar high but have gone back to chocolate in very small doses.

Note to self: Clean house mother comes to visit early tomorrow morning. Wash the thick socks. Moisture face mask couldn't hurt either oh and "Heroes" new season has started tonight.

Day 2

Tuesday 17 November, 2009. Not weighing myself yet.

6.40pm. Thunder is booming and the lightening strikes are eclectic. Wonderful display of natures raw emotions. Not much rain. Off I go much to husbands amazement who actually says "You're not going out in that". "Rain, hail or shine", I reply. To my utter amusement I'm really not comfortable with storms, but determined I trot, well really waddle with big butt off.

The wind is unbelievable but it was 35 degrees today so the droplets of rain and storming winds were truly welcome. I only jumped a little bit when the thunder roared. When arrived to the waterfront the stinging rain and ferrocious winds ensured that I did not stay a few seconds to look over the beautiful bay lights. I did a quick little talk to God and said I did it and help me to keep this up. (Catholic but not practising if you are wondering but always have little conversations with him time to time)

Beat my record of one day for time and proud and just a little wet. Feet still killing me.

Note to self: wear thicker socks and try to remember to ring podiatrist.

Day 1

Monday 16 November, 2009. (124kgs) Oh God I can't believe I so fat.

6.30pm. (The animals as in family are fed and kids are bathed)

First walk. Husband is in shock as I say I'm going for a walk. He did not think I would do it and why should he every day I say I have to lose weight and exercise and go grab a pack of chips. Walk down to the waterfront and thank God for getting me there without taking heart attack first. Feel great doing this even though feet are killing me.

Limp back after 36 mins. swearing that I feel better to family and how lovely it was. Limp with sore feet (corns) to bathroom and have shower. Yep sure is great. Read to kids and clean up dinner and tuck kids and husband into bed. 8pm.

Put feet up and groan and moan till go to bed about feet.

Note to self: Pee before you start your walk and ring podiatrist to fix up feet.

It's time.

So I have started long service leave to be with the kids before eldest starts school. Went to the specialist and now on tablets to get rid of psoriasis. Could not take them before as was having darling children. Spent a glorious 2 weeks at Sunshine Coast and enjoying every bit of it even with the husband. Still have not forgiven for the "Unattractive statement". We decided the holiday would either make or break our marriage. After two weeks of relaxing and a bit of retail therapy on my part we decided to give it another year....yeahhh!!!! We actually do this every holiday..............

Came back from holidays and decided that it's time. I must start walking. Morbidly obese, corns on feet, mother visiting and a heatwave. What a great time to start.

Another Adventure

"I just don't find you attractive anymore" replies my husband. Well that went straight to my heart and broke it. Then to add "But don't worry I don't find myself attractive right now either!". That apparently is to make me feel better. Duh!!!! Doesn't........

That was my answer when questioning the husband why aren't we making love anymore. The next day after pondering (okay rampaging and sulking alternatively with a little homicidal tendicies thrown in) I went back to him the next day. "Honey" I said, (starting off with a positive feel) "when you said you didn't find me attractive anymore what exactly do you find unattractive in me now. Is it my new found weight, my psoriasis or my new hairdo?"

"That's about it" he replies and then clutches his chest with both hands trying to pry the knife stuck between his rib cage with blood spewing all over the kitchen bench. Just joking on the stabbing part. He actually turned and finished making his coffee with toast in his mouth.

Truth be told I actually did not really like myself either. What happened over the winter season, did I really eat 20 kilos worth. Arh yeh I did. He actually has a point not that I will ever agree with him on the hair. It cost me (well actually us) $260.00 and looks fantastic. Luckily he doesn't know the actual cost of hair.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well now to eat crow and let you know that I hadn't bookmarked my blogs in this blogger, but somewhere else. This will teach me not to cram all in the last night. Clare believes that I've bookmarked all my homework in my computer at home. Will have to go and check it out. Feeling not so brainy now. darn

Library thing

I had already been sidetracked by this site when doing the RSS. So I have joined up and added 7 books.

This would be a great readers resource for book lists and reading groups. Its a good way of keeping track of what readers groups have already read and what they thought of the book as a group and other readers groups can also take that information into their own discussions.

Well I guess that is it. Boy what a learning curve. Thanks for the great experience.

Signing off

Managed It

Okay now I'm getting cocky. Look at the bookmarks on my blogger. I
managed to bookmark all my homework for this course. Feeling pretty brainy


Karen's Delicios Delights

I must confess not really liking this one as much as RSS. I can see the advantages of having a delicous account but it would take a really long time to get it set up and just don't have it at the moment. It took me ages to sign up for some stupid reason kept getting codes and passwords wrong. Got a little frustrated about it.

Libraries can use it to share reference resources. Every year we get together with the Teacher Librarians and get the children's assignments for the coming year. This account could be shared among the teacher librarians and the public library librarians on relevent websites concerning the assignments. With both parties contributing it could become a really good reference resource.

Trying to get the link up. Wish me luck it's already 10.45pm and this exercise ends at midnight.


RSS Feeds

Wow what an eye opener. I just created a RSS Feed. I really like the common craft film that explains the RSS feeds. It was easier to understand it once I watched the film. So I subscribed to photo of the day and opal training of course and a couple of other library blogs. I also went nuts in the top 50 subscribes and picked a lot for my RSS.

For library purposes I would love to use it for promotions in a library. For eg. Latest information on Children's Book Week, Summer Reading Club, Library and Information Week. Especially when waiting for themes it would be great to get them all from one place instead of always searching different websites. As soon as a theme was decided from the chiefs above the information would reach me straight away and allow me more time to plan displays and such.......

I think I will create another one for work only for the above reason. Thanks for the insight on this one. It will make my job as promotions officer much easier.


First friends

How embarrassing when showing Sandra a work colleague my facebook entry and she stated loudly in the library that I didn't have any friends. I only just signed up and it's not like I don't have real friends. But in Facebookland I am truly friendless and have organised Majella to accept me so I can have a friend. I still maintain that this networking service is not that user friendly.

Coincidentally, Pam my boss has asked me to help her with organising the Mash-It-Up film night by using Myspace and Youtube. So I'm getting a big look at these also.

I have had a look at the Brisbane Institute Film Festival advertising the event on Myspace. It was great to see all the films of their discussions of 70's Australians Films. Not our best century in Film. It was well set out and after watching a few films made me want to come and join in with the fun.

Well off to check my friends status


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm now on Facebook

Well I did it and signed up for facebook. It took me a while to sign up and I have to look up more of my friends and register them but I finally have hit the 21st century. I can't wait to upload pictures of family and friends on there. It will be challenging at first to get used to it as I don't find it very user friendly. The next challenge will be finding my brothers and co-workers and checking out their links. I did not fill out the contact page as I don't want that much information on the net about me. It still felt weird about putting so much information about yourself on the net and not knowing who is reading about your life. Definately not interested in meeting anyone or making new friends. Thanks for the safety tips, it's very good advice.

Bye for now


Hello Wikis

Well on to test drive no 3 and we are looking at wikis. Have had a look at Slq library 2.0: Emerging Media and New Technology Wiki and I looked at last years report and looked at Ann's contributional thread. I added one of my own. I found this wiki very user friendly and was comfortable with the outlook.

The second wiki site was Wookieepedia, which I enjoyed looking at a different language. I am a Star Wars fan and enjoyed the movie but this was way over the average fans head. If felt as though it was a different time and language. I did enjoy the link to the Lego Star Wars site as my husband and daughter are big fans of the lego range of games for Wii. My husband and I are thinking of getting this game as he is finished the Lego Indiana Jones saga. Of course he is buying it for his daughter, right!!!! She is nearly 5 years of age and never heard of Star Wars. I enjoyed the part where the focus on one character and I learnt what her roll in the saga was and how she fit in the original storyline even though I hadn't heard of her before. It was interesting and I will share the link for the Lego game with my husband, Andrew.

The third wiki I looked at was Possible Next Generation Catalogs, which was interesting as I could search library catalogs on them. This was surprising as I did not expect to search library catologues on a wiki. There were a lot to choose from on the home page maybe a bit too much of a choice. It is a very broad subject to put on a wiki.

Thats all for now of Wikis


Back again

Well I'm back home and giving this another go from home computer. Understanding a bit more of how this all works. So it's up to Wiki's. Off to search some, how exciting!!!! Obviously have no life.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Well I finally put a picture on the blog. Found out from Clare (who sits next to me) what I was doing wrong. I must 'save the picture as'.......... not just 'copy'. So I'm still learning and now have to go back and delete the numerous pictures of Brighton I was trying to get on my blog. Only 2 days left to complete wonder if I will finish. Will give it a good go.

Bye for now

My Lifestyle

Why did I choose this picture? This is my suburb, Brighton. This is where I take my children for a walk along the water. The view is stunning and it's a very friendly place to walk. The kids sometimes take their bikes. I love the easy lifestyle and going down for fish and chips at dusk. Recently we went further down to Shorncliffe and went for a walk along the pier. There were lost of fisherman trying to catch prawns and bait. They all took time to show the kids what they caught and I thought how lucky we are to live here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm in hell

When I tried to do part 2 at home it would not download flicka on my computer. I needed something to allow me to see a film and my computer would not allow me to download the program. So Here I am back at work trying for the 2nd part. Clare my buddy next to me reminded me I have only 2 weeks to complete this course. AHHHHH!!!!
Have finished my short small business course so can really concentrate on this one. Well I'm at work and going to give Flicka a go.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Beginning

Well this is it! Karen's brand new adventure in the technological age. I am starting a brand new course to understand all the new actions on the web from twittering, blogs and facebook. I have younger half brothers and interstate in-laws who all have facebook pages and I am embracing this new communication and hoping it will give me the confidence in my workplace also. I work in a public library and am hoping to connect with the younger generation by learning these things. I'm also very curious about it and guess I'll learn more about my peers when checking their blogs, etc. This could be a good thing or way to much information from friends, loved ones and such. Stay tuned the adventure has started.............